Badge Ribbons

Badge Ribbons

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Sale price

** Orders close on April 6th, so don’t miss out! **

Make waves at Mizucon with your very own custom ribbons! Whether you're trading, collecting, or showing off your unique design, this is your chance to add something special to the badge ribbon game hundreds of attendees participate in! This is our most popular event! At the end of the weekend, attendees show off their collections, to compete in the longest ribbon collection!

To get started, just place your order and fill out the Google design form before or after checkout.

Please remember—Mizucon logos and artwork can’t be used on personal ribbons.

Ribbons will be available for pick up at the Panel Check In booth at Mizucon 2025
Friday from 1:00pm to  8:00pm and Saturday from 10:00am to 8:00 pm

From there, it’s up to you how you share them!

Orders close on April 6th, so don’t miss out!